Moving forward we will be shifting several of our workshops to Zoom on the same time and date, but offered virtually. For those who register, we will offer “prep hours” for each workshop, to test out Zoom with new users, answer questions, and troubleshoot in advance.
STEM Community Support
Moving classroom teaching online will necessitate a new kind of support system. We will be offering weekly semi-structured STEM Community Support call-ins via Zoom. These will offer an open space to share what is working for you, and time to discuss challenges. These will be scheduled, with the following suggested grade ranges:
We will send out reminders for each support session the day of.
Special Speakers and Virtual Sessions
May 7th 4- 5pm, Bilingual STEM Resource & Support Session. Co-facilitated by Martina Meijer | RSVP for Zoom link!
May 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 12, 7:30-8:30pm: Consilience in Environmental Science Reading Club (HS) with Glen Stuart. Click here to join and learn more!
Friday April 17, 4-5pm: Free Community STEM Yoga
Monday April 13, 4-5pm: FREE introduction to Origami Organelles!
Friday March 27, 4-5pm: Join us for a special session with Pivot Interactives Peter Bohacek and STEMteachersNYC Leader and Board Member Craig Buszka on how to use Pivot as a virtual teaching resource.
STEMteachersNYC Virtual STEM Session Notes
Virtual Teaching Resources
Virtual Workshop Video Archive
STEMteachersNYC Pivot Interactive Workshop
STEMteachersNYC online PD on Physics Aviary
Origami Organelles
Engineering with Paper
Teaching Climate Change