Services we provide
STNYC Curriculum Consulting offers one-on-one support tailored to the needs of individual teachers
and their classroom contexts. A diagnostic session is scheduled to listen to and assess need and scope of
work. The diagnostic session is followed by a written assessment and work plan, including duration, cost
and likely outcomes.
Curriculum Coaching for individual teachers
After an initial diagnostic meeting to characterize content, material and curricular needs, the teacher will receive a summary and action plan. Once that action plan and goals have been agreed upon, meetings can be scheduled once per week, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on need and availability.
Curriculum Coaching for Teacher Teams and Schools
We arrange to meet with the school administration and/or department head, along with the teacher team, to conduct diagnostic meetings to characterize your needs and interests. Once an action plan and set of goals is agreed upon, we meet both individually and as a team once per week or month.

Step 1
Curriculum Audit
We schedule a diagnostic session to assess your unique needs and work collaboratively to create an individualized plan.
Step 2
Discussions Action Plan
A written assessment and work plan, including duration, cost
and likely outcomes.
Step 3
Agreed Upon Action Plan
Scheduled meetings and implementation of agreed a pone action plan.
Join us Today

If you are interested in our services please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Learn more about our team
– Stemlab Elementary Stem Workshop Series At P.S. 127
– Push And Pull: Modeling Stem Strategies For The Early Elementary (K-3) Classroom
– Seeing Science Everywhere: Best Practices In K-5 Stem Teaching
– The Job Search: Application And Interviewing Strategies For Stem Teachers
– Sensational Science With Scratch (Grades 3-8)
– Stem For Non-Stem Teachers: How To Fit Ngss 3ds Into Your Curriculum
– Diy Hydroponics Engineering For Everyone
– Ecostem: Infusing Sustainability Across Your Curriculum With Sdgs
– Community-Building In The Virtual Stem Classroom (Grades 4-12)
Classroom Science Teacher: Created, developed, and implemented NGSS-aligned science curricula for kindergarten through fourth grade while including aspects unique to each school and its culture.
Curriculum Writer – Cool Creations STEM Summer Camp: Created and developed curriculum and materials for a seven week, project-based learning summer camp addressing STEM concepts. Served as the main writer for the “Build a Rocket,” “Develop a Video Game,” and “Program a Robot” weeks.
Curriculum Writer – Middle School (5-8) Science Program: Outlined an NGSS-aligned scope and sequence for the fifth through eighth grade science program at an institution expanding to include a middle school. Collaborated with the computer science curriculum developer to integrate science and CS as well as develop lesson ideas.
Frequent STEM Education Professional Development Leader at STEMteachersNYC
Advisory Panel and Review Board for NSTA’s Peer-Reviewed Science and Children Magazine
“From Sugar Glider to Skydiver: Engineering and Biological Design in First Grade” – https://issuu.com/ericw808/docs/fptpreview14/104
“Hurricanes, Wildfires, and Social Justice: Blending Science and Social Awareness in the Fourth Grade Classroom” – https://stemteachersnyc.org/hurricanes-wildfires-and-social-justice-blending-science-and-social-awareness-in-the-fourth-grade-classroom/
New York State Professional Certificate in Childhood Education (Grades 1-6)
New York State Professional Certificate in Adolescent Biology Education (Grades 7-12)