Learn about Computational Thinking
STEMteachersNYC invites elementary school teachers to join a unique, collaborative community over Summer 2021 and 2021-22 school year to incorporate computational thinking into your existing curriculum!
We strongly encourage STEM and Non-STEM Elementary grades teachers to participate as teams!
The earlier students engage with computational thinking strategies, the more ready they are to engage with computer science fields in later years. Over the course of one two-day ‘launch’ workshop and a series of shorter working sessions over the school year, participants will engage with practical tools developed by Cornell Tech’s TIR teachers, to adapt and incorporate the Barefoot Computing Framework of computational thinking concepts and skills into your existing curriculum and your school’s long term goals.
Program Goals
To promote the use of computational thinking across the curriculum.
This includes…
– A positive change in student problem-solving skills and content knowledge
– Teacher use of computational thinking tasks with their students
– Teacher and student use of computational thinking vocabulary (concepts and approaches)
– Enhanced student discussion
– Subject integration with computational thinking strategies
– Teacher development of new materials
– Increase in teacher confidence level
– Overall positive changes in teacher practice
And most of all…making our classrooms more meaningful and vibrant places for learning!

Join us
– Time commitment: 2-Day (virtual) Launch PD workshop (6 hrs. each) and a total of 6 hrs. ongoing virtual support over the 2021-2022 school year.
– COST: FREE to participating teachers.
– CTLE will be offered
– Led by Greg Benedis-Grab, Juliette Guarino Berg and Kate Macaulay of STEMteachersNYC
– Reunions held on-site at the Cornell Tech Roosevelt Island Campus
Computational Thinking Concepts

Integrating Computational Thinking into Elementary Science Curriculum: an Examination of Activities that Support Students’ Computational Thinking in the Service of Disciplinary Learning: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10956-019-09801-y
The Intentional Integration of Computational Thinking: https://www.nsta.org/science-scope/science-scope-mayjune-2021/intentional-integration-computational-thinking
SAMR: A Powerful Model for Understanding Good Tech Integration: https://www.edutopia.org/article/powerful-model-understanding-good-tech-integration
CT-STEM: Computational Tools for STEM Education: https://ct-stem.northwestern.edu/
K-12 Computational Thinking Resources: https://www.ignitemyfutureinschool.org/resources/k12-computational-thinking-resources
10 Classroom-Ready Computational Thinking Resources for K-12: https://www.gettingsmart.com/2018/05/10-classroom-ready-computational-thinking-resources-for-k-12/
Computational Thinking Teacher Resources: https://id.iste.org/docs/ct-documents/ct-teacher-resources_2ed-pdf.pdf?sfvrsn=2
How to Develop Computational Thinkers: https://www.iste.org/explore/how-develop-computational-thinkers
Exploring Computational Thinking: https://edu.google.com/resources/programs/exploring-computational-thinking/
ITEEA Computational Thinking: https://www.iteea.org/Resources1507/ComputationalThinking/122579.aspx
Code.org Computational Thinking: https://code.org/curriculum/course3/1/Teacher
Digital Promise Computational Thinking Resources : https://digitalpromise.org/2020/03/03/new-computational-thinking-resources-for-powerful-learning/
Computational Thinking Resources for Teaching: https://www.computationinitiative.org/resources/teaching/
50 Resources to Teach CT Across the Curriculum: https://21centuryedtech.wordpress.com/2018/07/25/part-2-computational-thinking-over-50-resources-to-teach-ct-across-the-curriculum/