History and English classes emphasize the use of primary sources and why should it be different for STEM classes? Engaging in new research in all fields of STEM makes high school science more relevant for students. Help your students see why it’s important to leave school with a solid understanding of one of the main forms of scientific communication – the peer reviewed article.
The workshop will start with videos and examples of the microorganisms that classes can find in local pond water. From there, participants will get a chance to browse through a journal database with over 120 scientific articles, summarized and aligned with the NGSS. After each participant has chosen an article they’re interested in, there will be a short example of how to pair a certain article with a specific lesson (pollution) and tie it all into a microorganism lab. We will then brainstorm and discuss ways to use these articles for a specific lesson. The goal of the workshop is to help teachers take a hands-on activity, make the connection with a specific research experiment and related article, and finally guide students on how to make sense of it all using basic knowledge learned in class.
GOALS: 1) How to effectively teach with research articles. 2) How to seamlessly transition from labs to research articles. 3) Participants will leave with more confidence on how to read, analyze, and use research journals in class.
For more information and a sneak peak at the articles you will be working with, check out “Science with Evie” https://sciencewithevie.com