Quantum Computing is here and you can try it out now! Match wits with our Quantum Sudoku Solver! Experience the weirdness of quantum superposition via our Stern-Gerlach simulator! Come to this workshop for an introduction to the weird, wacky, wonderful world of quantum computing.
We will begin with interactive simulations and competitive quantum games, then we will review how quantum computing will impact chemistry, math, and physics and lay out the various competing approaches to implementation of quantum computing.
We will give you a workout in the key concepts needed to predict and understand how quantum systems behave, including superposition, quantum circuits, and, finally, the grand weirdness: Entanglement and the Bell Theorem.
The world really shouldn’t be that strange, but it is, and, while understanding it seems impossible, there’s a feeling of wonder as we become familiar with this genuinely new aspect of how the world really works. Optional time at the end of the workshop: a collaborative work session on generating quantum computer challenges to engage your students
You’ll come out on the other side better equipped for the future with the wacky, wonderful world of quantum computing!
Who is the workshop for? Teachers of math, CS, physics and chemistry interested in the future and wanting to find out about something that they have heard about and that is genuinely cutting edge.