Do you want to learn more about teaching in the classroom? Are you looking for a way to collaborate with other educators and share best practices? Look no further than STEMteachersNYC Working Groups! These free, community spaces are designed to bring teachers together from all over the world to exchange success stories and challenges from their classrooms and collectively come up with solutions. Read on for more information on how these groups can help you become an even better teacher.
How it Works
STEMteachersNYC working groups are open to teachers of all levels and backgrounds. Each group evolves to meet the needs of its participants, so you can be sure that whatever topic interests you, there will be a group dedicated to it! Some groups meet virtually via Zoom or Skype, while others prefer in-person meetings. And some prefer a combination of both! All groups are co-facilitated by a rotating cadre of teachers, so no matter who is facilitating any particular group meeting, rest assured that your voice will always be heard.

What You Can Expect
You can expect each meeting to last around an hour, giving everyone ample time to discuss their successes and challenges in the classroom. There is also plenty of room for brainstorming and problem solving as a group so that everyone involved can benefit from one another’s experiences and expertise. Best of all, these meetings are free—all you need is an internet connection and a willingness to learn!
Benefits of Joining a STEMteachersNYC Group
The benefits of joining a STEMteachersNYC working group are endless. Not only do they provide teachers with new ideas and insights into effective teaching methods, but they also give teachers access to like-minded colleagues who may have faced similar challenges in their own classrooms. By exchanging ideas with one another, educators can work together towards finding innovative solutions that could potentially revolutionize the way we teach STEM subjects today! Plus, if there isn’t already a working group dedicated to the topic you’re interested in exploring, then you have the option of starting your own—which means even more opportunities for collaboration!

STEMteachersNYC Working Groups offer something for every educator looking for ways to improve their teaching methods and skillset. From virtual sessions exploring virtual learning tools such as Zoom or Skype, or in-person conversations about classroom dynamics or student engagement strategies—there’s something here for everyone! Whether you’re just getting started or already have years of experience under your belt—make sure not miss out on this opportunity to connect with fellow educators from around the world and gain insight into how other teachers approach their lessons plans. Don’t wait any longer — join us today!