Leaders: Manjula Nair, Mark Schober, and Jenna Peet
Dates: July 11-13, 2022 (9:00-3:00pm EDT, at Little Red Schoolhouse LREI)
About the Workshop
The leaders worked… “as a great team to take a group of folks who were all over the place in their views on SBG to push ourselves to be better teachers.” “LOVED it! It was very well organized and seemed perfectly scaffolded for helping me as a newbie.”
What do you want students to know and be able to do when they leave your course? How do you communicate these objectives to your students clearly? How do you design instruction and provide feedback that helps students to meet your goals? By critically examining how we assess student work, we can improve instruction, student attitudes towards learning, and equity in grading. “Standards-Based Grading” provides students itemized feedback according to your course learning objectives. Students are then better able to know what they understand and what concepts need further practice and reassessment. In short, SBG encourages a growth-mindset, practice-until-you-succeed approach to learning.
The workshop, tailored to middle and upper school STEM teachers, guides you through an incremental adoption of SBG practices, provides sample learning standards, assessments, and gradebooks, and gives you structured time and feedback for tailoring these tools for your own classes. Throughout, we will consider how to make an effective assessment strategy that is an integral part of a cyclical learning process. If at all possible, attend with a colleague!
Register Today
STEMteachersNYC delivers professional development workshops for teachers, by teachers, about teaching, since 2011. All workshops over 2hrs offer CTLE. CUNY Pre-service teachers may attend for free; Brooklyn College Pre-service teachers receive Field Site hours. Please reach out if your school requires an invoice. We are an NYCDOE MTAC Vendor.