Quantum theory is notorious for its complexity – but does it have to be? In this workshop we will introduce basic principles of quantum theory at a level suitable to high-school students, and we will discuss how these principles enable novel quantum technologies that will have a profound impact on our everyday lives.

What will be discussed?

Quantum mechanics describes the physics of atoms and subatomic particles. While the systems that quantum theory describes are simple, it seems that the physics hides behind a forest of math. In this workshop, we will focus on three central concepts to bring light to the forest: superposition, entanglement, and interference. Participants will engage in activities suitable for use in the high school classroom. Finally, we will present quantum technologies that are already around us, like atomic clocks and GPS, as well as the technologies of tomorrow, like quantum satellites and quantum computers. The session will include ample time for questions and discussion.

Whom is this for?

This session is targeted towards teachers who might find quantum mechanics puzzling, who want to understand what the media hype for quantum is all about, and who are eager to make the big ideas of quantum mechanics accessible to their high school students.

Leaders: Led by Prof. Sebastian Will (Dept. of Physics, Columbia University) and Paul Bianchi (Horace Greeley High School, Chappaqua, NY).

Format: One 1.5 Hour Session, Oct 24th 1:45-3:15pm EDT.

NOTE: This ticket offers free entry to this working session. The QPOP session is offered as part of our STEMteachersEXPO “Growing Responsive STEM Communities”. For entry to all other Expo events, please purchase an Expo ticket ($15-25).