Curate an engaging scientific environment for experiments and long-term projects using the Arduino Science Journal. No Arduino board needed!

About this event

Leaders: Amanda Grutza

Format and Dates: Sat, April 9, 2022 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Description: Curate an engaging scientific environment for experiments and long-term projects using the Arduino Science Journal. This workshop will take you through the fundamentals of using the Arduino Science Journal app, including navigating the interface and building positive user habits. Learn the basics of creating a digital collaborative classroom, and support independent exploration. Students will walk through exciting experiments and develop their skills with the scientific process. This workshop will give your learners the tools they need to study and document phenomena inside the classroom, and in the world around them!

Includes Exploration of the Base Arduino Science Journal Experiments, Sound & Light observation, synchronization in G-Suite, and both long and short term project documentation. Covers both conventional and unconventional uses of the app, including parent-facing exhibition techniques. Resources will be provided for advanced topics including the introduction of compatible external Arduino-based microcontrollers and sensors. 

We are greatful for the ongoing support by Arduino Science Journal lead developers!

Suggested ages: 2nd Grade and Up (Not intended for pre-readers).

No Arduino board needed!

Other Materials: 

  • Device with the Arduino Science Journal App installed. Including: iPad, Arduino based tablet, PC, or compatible smart phone.
  • Secondary device for experimentation and Zoom (your computer counts!)
  • Arduino Account (Create one for free here:
  • Optional: Google Account