
Life Sciences is rich with interconnected models that tell the story of interactions and scale. With shifts in NGSS and NYS Regents standards, there’s a push toward a concept-based approach. We’re here to help you make that shift! This summer, we hosted a sold-out, one-week workshop focused on the new Life Science Regents Labs, and it was a huge success! Building on that momentum, Chris Resch and a team of expert educators are offering in-person lab workshops and virtual planning sessions throughout the 2024-2025 school year.

If you missed a session check out our “Life Science New Regents” summarys.

Session 1 Sept. 3rd

Summary:Each lab combines hands-on experimentation, genetic modeling, and data analysis to promote inquiry-based learning aligned with NGSS standards.

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) were developed in response to the findings of the Nation’s Report Card in the early 2000s, which highlighted gaps in students’ science knowledge. The NGSS initiative was driven by organizations such as the National Science Teachers Association and the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, with input from various states, including early adopters like New Jersey.
Unlike traditional, rigid curricula, NGSS is not just about memorizing facts—it’s about inspiring students to think like scientists. It seeks to empower students with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate an increasingly complex world, allowing them to apply scientific principles not only in future careers but in everyday life. NGSS focuses on creating scientifically literate, curious learners, igniting their passion for discovery through a revolutionary approach called three-dimensional learning.

This method integrates:
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) – the essential knowledge students need to grasp, whether they’re studying biology, chemistry, or physics.
Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) – critical skills like asking questions, gathering data, and designing creative solutions.

Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) – universal themes, such as energy or the relationship between structure and function, that transcend the boundaries of specific subjects.
One of the most inspiring aspects of NGSS is its use of real-world phenomena—things we see and experience every day—to ignite students’ curiosity. These phenomena become the heart of the lesson, helping students build a deeper, more personal connection to the scientific concepts they’re learning, revisiting them throughout a unit in a way that feels meaningful and alive.
NGSS also embraces the idea that learning should evolve and deepen over time, with students returning to key concepts at different stages in their education, each time with more depth and complexity. This approach, often described as “blocks, not bows,” reflects a commitment to building a strong, lasting foundation of knowledge.
Finally, NGSS champions the integration of science with math and literacy, recognizing that these skills are intertwined in the real world. By fostering critical thinking across subjects, NGSS prepares students not just to pass tests, but to solve real-world problems, inspiring them to become innovators, thinkers, and change-makers in their communities and beyond.
NGSS is more than a set of standards—it’s a movement that puts students at the center, encouraging them to explore, question, and imagine, ultimately preparing them to thrive in a world that needs their ingenuity more than ever.

The Balancing Act
In this lab, students first examine passages related to blood glucose levels and the sensation of cold hands. They then design an experiment using ice buckets and thermometers, where they measure temperature differences after placing their hands in the ice. The experiment requires them to outline independent and dependent variables, and establish constraints. A key aspect of this lab is that students are responsible for designing the entire experiment themselves. The main goal is for students to design the experiment independently, identifying independent and dependent variables, and interpreting their findings in relation to bodily functions like blood glucose levels and temperature regulation.

For the Birds
This lab explores genetics and natural selection through bird populations, analyzing genetic data to understand evolutionary processes. Students work with models and simulations to track changes in allele frequencies over generations. The lab focuses on how environmental pressures, such as food availability, affect bird populations over time.

Mystery of Lactose Intolerance
This lab investigates lactose tolerance and involves multiple components:
Part 1: Students first conduct an experiment to demonstrate how lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. They add lactase (similar to lactase tablets) to one container of milk, leaving another untreated, and use glucose test strips to confirm the breakdown of lactose. This aligns with the HHMI lactose intolerance lab. Students also answer questions related to predictions based on the experiment.

Part 2: In part 2, they shift focus to the genetic aspect of lactose intolerance. After reading about the human LCT gene and its control regions, students model how mutations in control regions affect lactase production. They create two models: one where control regions mismatch (leading to lactose intolerance) and another where the regions match (allowing lactose digestion). This activity helps them draw conclusions about lactose persistence or intolerance based on gene interaction.
Part 3: This focuses on evolutionary components, where students simulate population genetics, tracking how allele frequencies shift based on environmental pressures (whether or not a population relies on milk for survival).

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New Life Science Regent Labs

Structure and Function: Balancing Act – Exploring Feedback and Homeostasis

Inheritance and Variation of Traits: Unraveling the Mystery of Lactose Intolerance

Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: For the Birds – Designing Solutions

Priorities for the New Life Science Regents Labs Series!

Curricular sequencing and placement of the labs.

Cross-unit connections to the bigger ideas and being more intentionally three dimensional.

Claims Evidence Reasoning (CER) model will be woven through all three of the labs.

Focus on pedagogical shifts inherent to NGSS/NYSSLS. Planning for the shift towards science literacy and practices, and away from tons of facts.

Workshops in the series will target launching phenomena, Socratic Dialogue, and narratives, and highlight very concrete lessons that complement the NYS labs.

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