Support for NYAS Scientist in Residence Program 2024-2025

STEMteachersNYC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting a Professional Learning Community of STEM teachers. Our mission is to cultivate excellence in STEM teaching and promote deep understanding and success for students through innovative, teacher-led professional development. Founded in 2011 by 25 teachers, the organization provides professional development for elementary, middle, and high school teachers from throughout the New York Tri-State area and beyond through workshops of varying lengths on weekends and during the summer. Its teacher-led, adaptive approach to professional development, combining pedagogy with depth of content, distinguishes it from other professional development programs. This is an organization for teachers, by teachers, about teaching. STEMteachersNYC members and workshop leaders care passionately about their craft and are dedicated to improving outcomes for their students
Goals of the NYAS SiR Program:
– Fold in the unique research experience of each scientist to the teaching and classroom experience of the students of SIR teacher participants.
– Design and implement feasible research projects with students, based on the core research of the scientists.
– Strengthen and evolve inquiry in the classroom, while building teacher confidence to continue this level of inquiry in the future.
– Build in NGSS connections and other content bridges to the yearlong research project.
– Offer teaching experiences to scientists, and to introduce the potential of teaching as a future opportunity.
How STEMteachersNYC is Supporting the Work:
Our STEMteachersNYC team of teacher-leaders is supporting in-person Orientation sessions, and virtual fall and winter institutes. We are also on hand to regularly review pair project plans, offer open ‘office hours’ for additional plan support before or after plan drafts are submitted, as well as offer professional learning workshops matched to the needs of both scientist and teacher participants. As we move into 2024, our team will be here to support all NYAS SiR scientist-teacher pairs with your students’ data visualization, research communication, and end of year student showcases!