Past Workshops Don’t MissSee All PostsElementary SchoolPast WorkshopProfessional DevelopmentSTEM-IntegratedSTEM for Non-STEM Teachers! How to fit NGSS 3Ds into your curriculum!ByFernand BrunschwigApr 27, 2020MathMiddle SchoolPast WorkshopFREE Intro to GeoGebra – A graphing calculator & OER resource in one! MS/HSByChris KennedySep 9, 2021AssessmentPast WorkshopGIVING STUDENT-FRIENDLY STANDARDS-BASED FEEDBACK USING PYTHON, SPREADSHEETS, AND YOUTUBEByFernand BrunschwigJul 3, 2017Earth SciencePast WorkshopSTEM-IntegratedOutdoor Learning for NYC Schools (K-12) (Virtual Workshop)ByChris KennedySep 23, 2021AssessmentHigh SchoolMiddle SchoolPast WorkshopSTEM-IntegratedSocratic DialogueByChris KennedyAug 20, 2021Past WorkshopPhysicsSpin Me Around: Building a Conceptual Understanding of Circular MotionByFernand BrunschwigAug 26, 2017Engineering and DesignPast WorkshopTechnologyProgramming for Everyone – with Scratch!ByFernand BrunschwigDec 28, 2017BiologyEarth ScienceHigh SchoolPast WorkshopProject Laboratory: NYS Living Environment Labs Make-Over Edition! Pt1of2ByChris KennedySep 10, 2021Culturally Relevant STEMPast Summer IntensivePast WorkshopDimensions of Cultural Responsiveness in STEMByFernand BrunschwigFeb 5, 2020AssessmentCulturally Relevant STEMElementary SchoolHigh SchoolMiddle SchoolPast WorkshopDimensions of Responsive STEM SeriesByChris KennedyOct 19, 2020Culturally Relevant STEMHigh SchoolMiddle SchoolPast WorkshopSocratic Dialogue in the Virtual STEM Classroom (MS/HS)ByFernand BrunschwigSep 22, 2020BiologyPast Summer IntensivePast WorkshopBest Practices in HS BiologyByFernand BrunschwigAug 25, 2017Engineering and DesignPast WorkshopPhysicsQPOP! From Quantum Theory to Quantum Tech: The micro world & our future!ByFernand BrunschwigSep 11, 2020BiologyChemistryEarth ScienceElementary SchoolEngineering and DesignHigh SchoolMathMiddle SchoolPast WorkshopPhysicsProfessional DevelopmentSTEM-IntegratedTechnologySTEM Expo + Annual Meeting 2018ByFernand BrunschwigJan 2, 2017Past WorkshopProfessional DevelopmentSTEM-IntegratedStrategies for Teaching Science to ELL StudentsByFernand BrunschwigJun 19, 2017Past WorkshopPhysicsPhotoelectric Effect Make-N-Take WorkshopByFernand BrunschwigJul 2, 2017BiologyChemistryEarth ScienceHigh SchoolMathMiddle SchoolPast WorkshopPhysicsUnit Planning and Curriculum Development with NGSSByFernand BrunschwigFeb 5, 2020BiologyChemistryEarth ScienceHigh SchoolPast WorkshopTechnologyIntroduction to Biotechnology – for Teachers! (HS)ByChris KennedyAug 23, 2021MathPast WorkshopReal World Math for STEM Teachers: Cultivating a Culture of ErrorByFernand BrunschwigAug 2, 2019Culturally Relevant STEMPast WorkshopArticulating Multilingual STEM Teacher Needs NowByChris KennedyOct 20, 2021Past WorkshopSTEM-IntegratedTechnologyMaker Science ForumByFernand BrunschwigJun 19, 2017Past WorkshopPhysicsTeaching Rotational Motion: A Hands-on WorkshopByFernand BrunschwigAug 7, 2017Past Summer IntensivePast WorkshopSTEM-IntegratedTechnologyComputational Modeling Physics FirstByFernand BrunschwigAug 25, 2017High SchoolPast WorkshopProfessional DevelopmentSTEM-IntegratedCRT Series: Challenge Mainstream Science Curriculum – While Teaching It!ByFernand BrunschwigDec 27, 2017BiologyPast WorkshopTechnologyInteractive Simulations + CER = Effective Biology ClassByFernand BrunschwigJun 19, 2017High SchoolMiddle SchoolPast WorkshopProfessional DevelopmentSTEM-IntegratedUnit Planning & Curriculum Development with NGSSByFernand BrunschwigJan 17, 2019High SchoolPast WorkshopPhysicsPhysics with Phones! Ready-to-use physics with a phone’s built-in sensorsByChris KennedyAug 20, 2021BiologyEarth ScienceHigh SchoolMiddle SchoolPast WorkshopPond Ecology, NGSS and Beyond! Linking classroom STEM with Primary SourcesByFernand BrunschwigAug 7, 2017Past WorkshopMakerSTEM – NYCity Makerspaces Series @Skill Mill NYCByFernand BrunschwigDec 27, 2017BiologyHigh SchoolMiddle SchoolPast WorkshopTechnologyIntroduction to BioTechnologyByFernand BrunschwigJan 17, 2019 Previous1…123…6Next